Preventative Dentistry
For Long-Term Oral Health
As its name suggests, preventative dentistry helps you prevent potential dental problems. By adopting a regular brushing and cleaning regimen, paired with annual visits to our dental clinic, you will avoid most common oral health problems, such as cavities, gum diseases, enamel thinning, teeth grinding, and more. Our dentists and hygienists will share their knowledge in oral health care and will suggest the following treatments:
- Dental cleaning and exams (for everyone between 1 and 101)
- Topical fluoride applications
- Dental sealants
- Daily oral hygiene education (brushing, flossing, tongue brushing, mouth rinse)
- Nutritional information, especially for children and elderly patients
- Personalized care based on your unique needs
Prevention is better than extensive and expensive treatments! Come on in, and we’ll show you how easy it is to keep a healthy mouth.
Urgent Care Needed?
Call Us at (514) 624-1935 or Contact Us